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Preparation of the PV-AGO 2022: Important information for companies in Morocco


The period of preparation of the Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting (PV-AGO) for the year 2022 is underway in Morocco. It is essential for businesses to meet deadlines and legal requirements to ensure good governance and compliance with applicable regulations. we will cover the main information to know for the preparation of the PV-AGO, including the deadlines, the reports required and the consequences of the important losses.


1. Deadline for holding the Ordinary General Meeting (AGO):


According to the regulations in force, the OGM must be held no later than June 30, 2023. It is essential for companies to set an appropriate date for the OGM and to communicate this information to all the shareholders concerned.


2. Submission of the report or commercial declaration:


Within 30 days of the date of the AGO, companies must file the Minutes (PV) or the commercial declaration with the competent authorities. This document must be accompanied by financial summary statements, such as the balance sheet, the income statement and the appendix.


3. Report of the Statutory Auditor (CAC) for LLCs with turnover exceeding 50 million:


Limited Liability Companies (SARL) whose turnover exceeds 50 million dirhams must include in their PV-AGO a report from the Statutory Auditor (CAC). This report provides independent assurance on the reliability of the financial information presented.


4. Losses exceeding 3/4 of the capital:


If a company finds in its PV-AGO that the losses have exceeded 3/4 of the capital in 2022, it must plan to hold an Extraordinary General Meeting (AGE) no later than September 30, 2023. The AGE will make it possible to make important decisions regarding the company's financial situation, such as raising capital or reducing losses.




The preparation of the PV-AGO for the year 2022 is a crucial step for companies in Morocco. By meeting deadlines and legal requirements, companies can ensure good governance and compliance with applicable rules. It is recommended that you consult with an accountant or corporate law professional to ensure that all steps are followed correctly. By acting in compliance with regulations, companies can enhance their transparency and credibility with stakeholders.


To file the summary statement online: Create an account on the portal https://depotbilan.justice.gov.ma



To receive the Ordinary General Meeting (AGO) minutes template free of charge, please contact us by providing your e-mail address.
